$94.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Get Creative Clear-Out today!

Creative Clear-Out 🔆 2024  package 🔆 includes the following:

👉 Full Access to CREATIVE CLEAR OUT…. 6 beautiful, badass, loving modules to cleanse your creative self and get into new creative power (forever access) 

✨ Module 1: Welcome to Creative Clear-Out
👯‍♀️ Body Doubling Video
🎨 Module 2: Connecting with our Younger Creative Self
🦄 Module 3: Working With the Stuff In the Way
🍭 Module 4: Your Bad Art > No Art
✨ Module 5: Routine Re-Route
🔮Module 6: Time Magic & Celebration

👉 1 30-minute private coaching call with laura 

Get ready to feel empowered and excited to get lost in music, drawing, reading . . . . WHATEVER SPEAKS MOST TO YOUR CREATIVE SOUL. 

Reignite that Olympic Torch of Creative Power and let it light you up! 

What People Are Saying:

One aspect that truly stood out to me was [Laura’s] focus on mindfulness and self-reflection. Laura's incorporation of meditative practices and reflective exercises not only enhanced my creative process but also helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself as an artist. It was a transformative experience that allowed me to reconnect with my artistic roots and reminded me of the joy that comes from expressing myself creatively.

Devin Hance

[Laura’s] courses are so fun and engaging because she’s very fun to listen to and she has a way of explaining things that makes me feel like I can totally do this. It feels like I’m in conversation with her and it makes a world of difference for a self-guided course!

Melinda Chinen