Where Doing and Dreaming Work Together

Inventing & Implementing Unbelievably Wonderful Futures 

  • Professional Artists
  • Imaginative C-Suite 

My clients are driven by their creativity, passion and imagination. Together, we channel that creative energy into leadership with real-life results in ways that are unique to them, so they last and grow. We bring their most meaningful dreams out of the realm of imagination and weave them into real life. 

Coaching with me happens at the intersection of ontology, well-being, creativity, and a healthy dose of imaginative, co-created magic to bring forth your most powerful self, designing + implementing goals that feel extremely "you."

You've never seen someone do things exactly your way in your field. Well, guess what - you're the first one. Time to trailblaze. We'll design the path together. There is no "right way." Now, there is only your way.

Are you ready to put your dreaming to work?

✨ Get on my list to be the first to hear about all the things!✨

Coaching, Training and Improv with Laura

Looking for someone who will fiercely have your back as you invent the most perfectly-you vision for the future? 

Searching for unique improv comedy workshops for your workplace or local improv community?

Hungry to reinvent your company's teamwork and creative productivity?


Uncover Your Creative Magic!

Free 8-step guide to rediscovering your creative powers that have gone missing due to the trials of adulthood. Get your access now! 

How To Be Creative in the Age of Digital Noise

A loving and practical guide to getting creative in a messy and distracting era! Get your copy today.


West of Wonderland is a leadership development podcast for Imaginative Leaders.

— for those who believe that faith, trust and a little pixie dust actually can change our world for the better.

Imaginative Leaders (often Disney Adults) transform their homes, communities and C-Suite leader teams (though they probably leave their Mickey ears at home).

Bay Quiney and Laura Westman show you how by mapping Imaginative Leadership, using their favorite stories, theme parks, fantasy fandoms and stories of imagination in leadership for us to apply today.

Learn how to embody magic in a way that is inspiring to others and effective, even with the most challenging villains of all.


✨ Get Uncover Your Creative Magic - My Free 8-Step Guide!✨